The Benefits of Coffee

Recently, there have been numerous studies indicating that drinking three cups of coffee per day may be beneficial to health rather than cause other health problems. There has often been a grey area associated with coffee and caffeine and the study sheds some more light onto this area.

“Roasted coffee is a complex mixture of over 1000 bioactive compounds, some with potentially therapeutic antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic, or anticancer effects that provide biological plausibility for recent epidemiological associations.”

The study showed that there were 19 positive outcomes, 6 negative outcomes and 34 neutral health outcomes to drinking coffee. It is clear that the positives outweigh the negatives, however due to the small sample size and high frequency of neutral results we simply cannot ascertain whether or not the consumption of caffeine is positive, for now it has a ‘clean bill of health’.

Coffee consumption is associated with a decrease in rates of death associated with cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and stroke. The study has shown that the largest reduction in health risks occurs when someone drinks three cups of coffee per day. There were also variations in accordance with sex. Women often received greater benefits from drinking coffee for coronary heart disease and cardiovascular disease however the reduction of risk of stroke had a more pronounced affect in men.

There was an overall reduction in risk of cancer for coffee drinkers however this varied with whether or not the person was a smoker or not. “In a separate article, in non-smokers there was a 2% lower risk of mortality from cancer for exposure of one extra cup a day.”

There were negative associations with drinking coffee when pregnant and an increase risk of fracture in women. At present data available is of low quality and many believe that randomised control trials will be needed to accurately research this area.


Vaginal Mesh Implants

At present, the vaginal mesh implant scandal has been compared to the thalidomide scandal which plagued women of the 1960s and their infants.

The synthetic polypropylene implants were used as an alternative to more invasive procedures for the treatment of urinary incontinence and prolapse that occurs after childbirth. Many patients began to complain about chronic pain, bladder spasms and continual pelvic pain due to the mesh cutting through vaginal tissue as well as an inability to walk after sex.

The mesh implant launched by Johnson & Johnson without a clinical trial has led to law suits on all fronts and an estimated $57 million dollars was given to one woman alone as compensation.

It was revealed earlier this year that over 800 women will be taking legal action against the NHS for its part in the scandal. Thousands of woman had been advised to have tension-free vaginal tape surgery across the United Kingdom. Over 92,000 women have had these implants from 2007-2015. Despite having the implants being removed, many women will have to deal with permanent side effects both psychological and physical. A campaign known as Sling the Mesh has been launched.

Professor Carl Heneghan from the University of Oxford compared the scandal to the thalidomide scandal as the thalidomide scandal resulted in an immediate change in drug regulation and this scandal will do the same with the regulation of devices and implants.

Many have criticised the medical proffession and doctors of all ranking after the scandal. There was a desperate need to have stricter regulations and a better approach to the complaints made by women post-operatively as this could have resulted in many of them not having to deal with permanant side effects. This scandal has been incredibly eye opening and will hopefully result in stricter regulations worldwide when dealing with implantation of devices.


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Malaria Breath Tests

In recent news it has been made apparent that we can now test for the presence of malaria using breath tests. This will make diagnosis more streamlined and more accessible for those in rural and impoverished areas who may be unable to access adequate healthcare.

Malaria is a life threatening disease caused by Plasmodium parasites transmitted to humans through the Anopheles mosquito. There have been more than 400,000 deaths associated with malaria in the past year. In those who are not immune, symptoms usually appear around 5-10 days after the initial bite. The usual symptoms that follow are fevers, chills and headaches, however due to the nature of these symptoms it can be incredibly difficult to accurately diagnose.

The prototype invented was used to detect 6 different odours to detect malaria. This non-invasive and relatively cheap method compared to analysing blood samples is currently being tested and has recently achieved a success rate of 83% when detecting malaria in children. Despite this seemingly positive figure, the prototype has not yet been mass-produced as additional testing is needed due to the small nature of the group under study. This method also does not require any technical expertise; staff do not need to be trained to use it. Therefore, it can be used in rural areas by villagers to test one another for the presence of the malarial parasite. The rapid testing devices operate by detecting the presence of the protein HRP2 in the breath of its users. Unfortunately, some malarial strains e.g. Plasmodium falciparum have mutated and are now beginning to stop producing this particular protein. As well as the original six odours the scientists were testing for they found high concentrations of terpenes. Terpenes are molecules that are usually associated with the odour from pine trees and conifers and are natural attractants for mosquitos.

“Prof James Logan from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine said: “The rapid detection of asymptomatic malaria is a challenge for malaria control and will be essential as we move towards achieving the goal of malaria elimination. A new diagnostic tool, based on the detection of volatiles associated with malaria infection is exciting.””






Dr Sanduk Ruit

Dr Sanduk Ruit is a world-renowned eye surgeon from Nepal. After the loss of his sister to Tuberculosis when he was 17, Ruit immediately decided on medicine as his vocation. As he came from a remote Nepalese village he was forced to make long journeys to study, yet he did so to achieve his goal of having a career dedicated to the care of others.

Dr Ruit is known as the ‘God Of Sight’ due to his significant advancements in the field of ophthalmology. Dr Ruit utilises small incision cataract surgeries using intraocular lenses to treat cataracts in some of the most inaccessible and remote places on the planet. Ruit often provides cataract surgeries free of charge as part of his charity ‘ Himalayan Cataract Project’ to treat those who may not have the means or ability to reach medical centres.

In 1986, whilst working in Australia, Ruit and his colleague, Professor Fred Hollows, created the Small Incision Cataract Surgery (SICS) strategy, this procedure used intraocular lenses. After this, Ruit became the first Nepalese doctor to utilise intraocular lenses. Ruit then returned home to Nepal, where he utilised the  procedure to provide good quality eye care for those in remote parts of the country. Dr Ruit often camped and trekked to remote locations with a team to operate suturelessly in order to treat cataracts. However, the procedure was still expensive which made it difficult for use on a wider scale. Therefore, in 1995, Ruit devised an international standard intraocular lens which was just a fraction of the price of the ones produced in the developed world.

The procedure is as follows:

” Dr. Ruit’s innovative small-incision cataract removal technique involves modifying the superior incision to a temporal incision. A sutureless external incision of 6 mm to 7 mm is enlarged to 10 mm internally with a keratome. The nucleus is then removed through the anterior chamber.”

In 1994, Dr Ruit founded the Tilganga Institute Of Ophthalmology, which aims to provide high quality and effective eye care for patients worldwide at an affordable price. The institute is closely linked with the Himalayan Cataract Project and other organisations in order to provide cataract surgeries, often free of charge to people in some of the most dangerous and remote places in the world.

A study published by Dr Ruit and his colleagues in 2007 indicated that his procedure and technique was cheaper, faster, had a smaller recovery time and led to significantly less side effects.

In the past 30 years, Ruit has restored the sight of more than 100,000 people worldwide. In 2006, Ruit treated people in North Korea after gaining special permission from the country to enter. Whilst treating, Ruit was part of a documentary series called ‘Inside – Undercover in North Korea’ alongside Lisa Ling. The documentary was filmed illegally which led to the mission being incredibly dangerous, yet Dr Ruit proceeded with his goal to treat as many people as possible, in total around 1000 North Koreans were aided by Ruit and his team during this period.




Glaucoma refers to a series of eye conditions that affect vision and can cause blindness if left untreated. It is most common in those who are over 40 and is associated with elevated pressure in the eye (intraocular). It is commonly associated with damage to the optic nerve that is caused by a high pressure in the eye. This is due to a build up of fluid in the eye as fluid takes too long to drain correctly, this is an example of open angle glaucoma. Another risk factor for glaucoma is high blood pressure which can affect and elevate ocular blood pressure as a side effect.

At first, glaucoma presents with no symptoms and vision appears to be normal. However, if left untreated it can lead to loss of peripheral vision (vision to the side), over time central vision can also decline leading to very limited vision and blindness.

There are two types of glaucoma:

  • Open angle glaucoma – The eye drainage system begins to falter and results in a build up of fluid and pressure in the eye.
  • Closed angle glaucoma – When the iris in the eye is close to the drainage area and blocks the draining angle. When the drain becomes completely blocked eye pressure rises rapidly and it is classified an emergency.

Vision loss cannot be recovered with glaucoma, so it is vital that it is caught early. Due to the lack of symptoms in the early stages, it is incredibly difficult to detect and necessitates regular visits to an ophthalmologist or optician.


  • Open angle – Loss of peripheral vision, tunnel vision and patchy spots.
  • Close angle – Eye pain, nausea, vomiting, headaches, severe eye pain, blurry vision, rainbow coloured rings or halos around lights.

The cause of primary glaucoma is unknown. However, secondary glaucoma may be due to pre-existing conditions such as diabetes, cancerous tumors, advanced cataract or inflammation.

There are a number of risk factors associated with glaucoma, which include:

  • Old Age
  • Cataracts
  • Diabetes
  • Ethnic Background – East Asians/African Americans/those of Hispanic descent are more likely to develop glaucoma.
  • Myopia (short-sightedness)
  • Eye surgeries and other eye conditions.




The Ethics Surrounding The Use of Animals In Clinical Trials

The use of animals in the trials of medicines, cosmetics and other equipment for use by humans has always been a controversial topic. In recent years, activism from groups such as PETA has brought this problem to the forefront of the public eye.

The main arguments against the use of trials on animals stem from the idea that if we are testing goods for use on humans we should subject the trials to humans rather than animals. Many also disapprove of the conditions animals are kept in, which include small boxes. A variety of trials also involves inducing animals with a particular disease and/or inhibiting their food and water intake to observe a response to additional stimuli. After successful campaigning, there are now stricter regulations on the environment an animal is kept in, which animals can be used. Many companies have to get clearance from the home office to trial on animals and as part of this clearance have to disclose the nature of their trial, how many animals they will use and the basic procedure which is then reviewed by a panel. These laws and regulations have proven to be successful in a number of first world countries, however, they are difficult to enforce in third world countries

Those who are pro the use of animal testing often speak of the supplementary benefits of trials on animals before trials on humans. One argument is a reduction in human casualties. If we test on animals before going to human trials any adverse reactions to the medication/trial conditions can be noted and it can be modified for human use. This is another area of controversy and many argue that animals have equal rights to humans and as they are unable to choose to take part in these trials, they should not be subjected to them. At present, a large percentage of trials are first trialed on animals before moving to the next phase. Many people believe that trialing is a necessary evil and is needed for the greater good of humanity. Some pro trial advocates are against trials for cosmetics as they are not a necessity but are pro using trials to test medications.



Brain Imaging Breakthrough

In recent news, researchers at the Cardiff University Brain Imaging Centre have produced new scanning equipment to show the workings of the brain. One user has stated that the research was akin to using the Hubble telescope after years of using binoculars.

The scan shows the wiring of the human brain. White areas/matter make up the inner part of the brain and are made of dense fibres packed in a tight arrangement. Siemens engineers used the latest computer tools to create 3D images mapping the brain and the nerve impulses and signals of a patient. The scanner uses colour coding to highlight the direction of travel of the impulses and density of fibres to produce a more refined image and a new way of viewing brain mappings. This technology can be used to learn more about and possibly aid the treatment of dementia, MS and epilepsy along with numerous other neurological conditions.


The Ethics of Abortion

In recent news, women of Northern Ireland are now able to get free abortions on the NHS in Britain. At present, in Northern Ireland, abortions are only allowed if the mother’s life is in danger or if there is a serious risk to her mental or physical health. Hundreds of women are forced to travel from Northern Ireland to England in order to get an abortion, this is costly and can be incredibly difficult for women.

In many religions and cultures, people believe that abortions should not be allowed unless there are extreme circumstances, for example, if a woman has been raped. Many believe that abortions result in an unlawful killing of a person and can be compared to murder. However, with current laws, in the UK abortions can be carried out until 24 weeks, but in some circumstances, it can be carried out later.

In the UK we are incredibly fortunate to have abortions available on the NHS, in countries like America many women are forced to carry out abortions by themselves at home or at a reduced price locally, but this is very dangerous.

At present, there is no scientific consensus as to when life begins so one can not truly say that women who want an abortion are killing or endangering a child as there is still a debate as to when life begins. Many pro-life advocates believe that life starts at fertilization, others believe it starts when limbs appear or when a major organ system assimilates.

However, the rights of the mother should not be put under the rights of an unborn fetus, The woman is alive and well and we should not undermine her rights and ability to make decisions by putting a zygote in front of her life and decisions. In addition, should we really bring a child into an overpopulated world and one in which its mother was forced to conceive it? Human rights violations in terms of the fetus are dependent on the age of the fetus, below 24 weeks the rights of the mother should be prioritized. However as the mother comes closer to full term, we must consider the human rights violations brought about by the death of a fetus.

Many pro-life supporters believe that abortion is a form of infanticide, which is the unlawful killing of children. Many countries are rife with female infanticide which is gender-based killing, People often kill female babies as traditionally, women were forced to live with their husband’s parents leaving their own parents without someone to care for them. This problem is especially prevalent in China after the one-child policy, which prompted many to kill and abandon female babies in order to try to conceive a male. In some countries, males are also more desired in rural areas as they are seen to be better workers. Abortions on the basis of sex are not lawful and in most cases, the sex of the child cannot be found before 24 weeks.


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Invasive Lobular Carcinoma

Invasive Lobular Carcinoma is the second most common type of breast cancer and accounts for 8% to 14% of breast cancers, after Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Carcinoma describes cancer occuring in the epithelial or lining layer of cells, almost all cases of breast cancer are carcinomas. The carcinoma can either be in the milk ducts or in the lobules and in some cases can be in both areas. ILC is characterised by small rounded cells that be difficult to find on mammograms as they do not readily form masses.

In this case, cancer has spread to surrounding tissues after being generated in the milk-producing lobules of the breast. It is invasive as it invades other parts of the breast. Over time, ILC can spread to the axillary lymph nodes, most commonly those situated under the armpits.

It is most common in women between the ages of 45 to 55, however, women outside of this range can develop ILC in some cases.

Symptoms include:

  • an area of thickening or swelling
  • a change in the nipple, for example if it turns inwards (inverted)
  • a change in the skin, such as dimpling or thickening



Mammograms, which are x-rays of the breasts, are usually used to diagnose breast cancer. Additionally, you could have a biopsy or an MRI scan, this is dependent on your physician.

In some cases a lumpectomy may be carried out, which is where the tumour/mass is removed without deconstruction of the breast. In some cases, a mastectomy is advised, especially if the tumours are relatively large. Many women also have their lymph nodes removed as a precaution or if the cancer has spread.

After surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, biological therapy and hormone therapy may be used to treat cancer and can be a preventative measure. For some women, a hormone imbalance can cause uncontrolled growth of cancer cells so hormone therapy using oestrogen is used to reduce risk of recurrence.

Some breast cancers contain HER2/neu which is a growth-promoting protein that can cause the cancer to spread more quickly. Drugs that target the HER2 protein include Herceptin, a type of monoclonal antibody (antibody produced from a single clone of B cells), Tykerb, Perjeta and Kadcyla.

Testing of the sample can be done using immunohistochemistry (using antibodies that stick to the HER2 protein causing cells affected to change colour) and fluorescent in situ hybridisation (fluorescent DNA pieces stick to the HER2 gene, cells affected can be counted under a microscope).

References and Additional Information:

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis is a life long condition that affects the brain and spinal cord. It usually diagnosed in people who are in their 20s and 30s.

It is an autoimmune condition, the immune system attacks the brain or spinal cord. In MS the immune system attacks the myelin sheath, a protective coating, around nerve cells. This results in messages transmitted along these nerves being disrupted, slowed and weakened.

Symptoms include:

  • Fatigue
  • Numbness
  • Balance and co-ordination problems
  • Muscle stiffness and spasms
  • Cognitive difficulties
  • Difficulty walking
  • Problems with vision

MS can occur in two ways:

  1. Relapsing-remitting MS

This occurs when symptoms progressively worsen in the span of a few days. The attacks may occur every few years. Although around half of the people with MS of this sort do go on to develop the second type within the next 15-20 years.

2. Primary progressive MS

In this type of MS there are no periods of remission, but instead symptoms progressively worsen.

Treatments include using steroids to treat relapses. Disease-modifying therapies can be used to reduce the frequency of relapses as well as specific treatments focused on alleviating symptoms.  At present, there is no cure for either type of MS and it will progressively get worse. However research is leading to strides in the development of new medication.

